4.1.7. IP Inversion

The program ipoctree_inv.exe performs the 3D inversion of IP data on octree meshes. Running the Program

To run the executable, open a command window and type the following:


Essentially you are calling the path to the executable followed by the path to the input file . Units

Things about units Output Files

The program ipoctree_inv.exe creates the following output files:

  • model0.con: the starting model

  • dpred0.txt data predicted using the starting model

  • inv_xx.con: recovered model at iteration ‘xx’

  • dpred_xx.txt data predicted using model ‘xx’

  • inv.con: final chargeability model

  • ipoctree_inv.log: log file for the inversion

  • ipoctree_inv.out: stores details regarding the inversion